Getting to know an artist can be a tricky as dating. So let's make it fun and easy. I sent suggested speed date questions [google it, it's gold] to artist friends, asked them to set a stopwatch at 3 minutes and answer away.
In the locavore edition, we're gonna meet some of the artists in my neighbourhood. I live in a splendid corner of Toronto, steps away from Canadian Stage, Lorraine Kimsa Theatre for Young People, the Distillery, and a community of theatre artists who work and live in the area.
First up: Camellia Koo, Designer

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Antwerp or Paris. Because the people are always so impeccably dressed.
What place do you want to visit most?
If you couldn't do what you are doing for a living, what else would you do?
Own and run a used book store.
What's your favorite word?
If you could be someone else for a day who would you be?
A war photographer
What would you put in a time capsule that someone might unearth in 100 years?
A pencil
What is your earliest childhood memory?
Running around that old Chinese Garden that used to be next door to Hsing Kuang, which is now the restaurant called Bright Pearl in Chinatown.
If you had to choose a meal that best represented your love life, what would be on the menu, and where would you eat it?
Rocky Road ice cream. Full of nuts and marshmellows. On an airplane going somewhere for work.
If you knew you'd be financially taken care of for the next year, what would you do with your time or where would you go?
Back to Japan, to do that pilgrimage on that island southwest of Kobe to visit those 88 temples.
What were your favorite cartoon?
The Flintstones and The Jetsons, back to back.
What would be on the soundtrack to your life?
Anything without lyrics.
*ding! Time's up.
Camie is on her way to London next week for this.
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